It might be money or time, a little bit of it adds up to quite an amount. If you go shopping for something that costs $1,000 but on sale for 30% off, you’re spending $700…not saving $700. A little bit of expense adds up.
As I beginning to start writing a little bit more, a little bit adds up many ideas and thoughts. One of mine favorite blogs is Tim Ferriss’s 5-Bullets Friday. If you haven’t seen it or subscribe to read it, check it out. Or you can read it entirely on his blog page The other respected blog from the professional and marketer Seth Godin with the blog Seth hasn’t missed a day of writing for a decade. Incredible. Generous and practically a role model.
Reading a little bit adds up. Just as I log on online to write, my main yahoo page pops up with the news that Tony Shieh from Zappos has just passed away at the age of 46. Wow… that’s heartbroken. He’s another incredible person.
In the time of hardship because of the pandemic, we ought to carefully shelter in place, pick and choose who we see, and how we protect ourselves and loved ones. A little bit of exposure can do great harm.
A little bit of everything adds up.