Why aren’t we doing the things you know we should be doing? In many situations, whether it’s work, exercise, new project to trying new things, having a cohort obligates you to task it. First, you don’t hold back on starting that new project or trying the new thing. Second, together we push each other confidently to exercise or try the new thing. Lastly, we follow through the process, inspire and take each other accountable. We might not know what the outcome be but we are moving the needle and following the process.
When work has just you, with yourself it’s no fun and at time unproductive. But with a cohort, you stop squandering the time by putting it to good use, may it be work, new project and trying the new thing. It will funny to hear your cohort say “What the heck are you doing? That’s not work!”
The unproductive comfort zone is too easy, stagnant and a waste of time. Choose the discomfort, learn and practice. Aim for growth and follow the process.
Now, find a cohort.