We rise to the occasion because we care!
We care for the audience who paid to attend. Whether it’s friends or supporters who attended, it’s our professional responsibility to deliver the expected work. It was a chance to create magic for those we seek to serve.
We rise to the occasion because we believe in the vision.
We all visualized exactly what we need to do to ensure it’s magical. We shared our big goals and high aims. Even it sounded ridiculous, we all stood behind the goals and all the obstacles we could potentially faced. We learned to ask. We learned to plan. We learned that it’s all possible.
Our plan was to host a fashionable red carpet Oscar like event for 300 paid audience, with little to no budget and only sponsors and supporters fund. With limited budget and personnels, we formed volunteer groups and created our own contents.
We rise to the occasion because we believe in change
Even in the darkest moments, all could fall apart, but we stayed persistent and committed. We solved issues as they arised. The journey was to create a new expectation and a better norm for ourselves and our audience. We embodied the confident and motivation to ensure our team rise to the occasion. Time sacrificed and creative inputs are meaningful when we delivered our works to the audience.
Those who showed up to do the work daily were inspired. When the aims are high, we become obsessive and relentlessly committed to complete the work. The hobby become our professional commitment.
We rise to the occasion because we care!
We care because it’s about our audience, our community and the change we seek to make.