I woke up early to find quiet time for some quick writings, getting down to the basics. Never really gotten around to actually sit down to write. Good thing, I was able to find my way to reflect on the year and actually put in some thoughts on paper.
Have you actually sat down to complete reviewing of your work for the year? The disparity of what actually I accomplished versus what didn’t is so far off that it looks like your time was invested elsewhere. Then I realize I was exposed to something much more, the opportunity to grow personally and professionally through leadership role.
Growth! The pursuit of happiness. My goal versus growth. It has always been a mindset of mine, to grow in life as a businessman, a father and husband and as a leader. It is empowering when we combine growth mindset and goal together.
What’s the best way to set realistic quantifiable goal!! Perhaps we just need to an execution plan for that goal, one that’s realistic, measurable and attainable. I find re-writing your goal daily become the most holistic way to attain your goal. That’s when I find myself useful and most productive.