The start creates motion. The momentum begins. Quick start is what you want.

The start creates motion. The momentum begins. Quick start is what you want.
Annual plans or new year resolution might not work. Those who have used the 12 weeks system to execute their goals work.
So condense your annual goals to a 12 weeks period from January 1 – March 30.
Value your wealth of time. Do the high-value things that matter most. Work on the assets that produce and generate the most value. Focus on the one target with continuous relentless pursuit.
I came across a message from a newsletter from Sahil Bloom that I find immensely helpful coming to the new year. It’s called “I’m All in.”
I’m All In:
All In on myself. My personal growth, my development.
All In on my real ones. The people who create energy in my life, who lift me up, who encourage me to think bigger.
All In on my purpose. Creating positive ripples in the world, engaging with people in real life to spark action.
All In on my mental, physical, and spiritual health. Building myself so that I can be a catalyst for others.
All In on my energy. Saying yes to the things that light me up, saying no to the things that don’t.
Going into 2025 just like his intention to go all in, we all should keep this phrase top of mind: I’m All In as well.
Little do I know, the work that you do sometimes can be rewarding but stagnant over time. Perhaps you need new challenges, bigger goals or a change – new environment, new you. Time for a pause. Reflection. Seek the understanding and wisdom. Determine the best options.
The Q1 2023 ends with an execution of an extensive lease. The 20k SF flex building took over a year to complete. The difficult leases are the ones I get to learn so much from. And the relationship become stronger overtime. Super excited for the parties involved especially both the landlord and tenant. The 10 year lease plus two options will create a strong and long lasting landlord tenant relationship. Patience was the key. It is indeed virtual in all aspects.
The leases and sales in commercial real estate can take awhile to complete and close. Some sales can be easy and quick within weeks and some might be months or longer. As long as each quarter consists of one big close and many small deals in between, the outcome can be rewarding.
After almost 20 years in the business, everyday is a different day and always with something new to learn. Some days are just another day. And when you’re 44 years young you’re still curious of what’s more than to this business. With the whole technology progressing at a tremendous pace, you’re literally behind the millennials who are adopting all these A.I. techs. Never mind these tech savvy themes, the real estate business still requires relationship and services. What else is triggering the curiosity?
Certainly, you become adaptable to the environmental that you’re surrounded with. But never get off track with your business. Always create traction, however small, to build your business, to re-ignite your business or to start a new business.
A quick overview.
Your backyard or city is the best place to start. If your city is too expensive, then study a city that has the great potential.
Know your goal and budget. Start small. Maybe $2M. Gather the fund. Typical down payment is 30% or $600K. Ask friends and investors to join. Lower your risk. Wait for the good deal.
Buy property that you can make value go up. Not because you think the value is going to go up.
Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, MacKenzie Bezos, or Mark Zuckerberg or Melinda Gates are all in the billionaire club. But when it comes favorite billionaires, I have one and it’s Warren Buffett. He is the best investor of all time. He is the goat. Greatest of All Time.
“Oracle of Omaha” is what they called him.
By the age of 16 he had made $53,000. Selling sticks of gum in packs of five for a nickel. His father became congressman, his family moved from Omaha, Nebraska to Washington DC. Buffett delivered the Washington Post every morning and brought in about $135 a month. That’s more than what teacher salaries were at that time. He pursued side gigs selling used golf balls and collector stamps and buffing cars. By the time he was 16, he earned $53,000 in earnings. Bought his first stock when he’s at 11 years old.
Every three months we learn more about what he’s doing and what he’s thinking. His track record is was is amazing. And there’s no doubt that he’s kind of coming away a little bearish these days.
Every three months we learn more about what he’s doing and what he’s thinking. His track record is was is amazing. And there’s no doubt that he’s kind of coming away a little bearish these days.
Berkshire Hathaway
He was a net seller of equities, also known as stocks in the third quarter. He owns a big company called Berkshire Hathaway and he’s reducing its exposure to the stock market amid a series of then-record highs and increasingly stretched valuations.
3rd Quarter 2021
He’s continuing to play defensive right now. He saw a total of about $1.9 billion in net sales. That was up from selling $1.1 billion in the second quarter. So he’s continuing to trim…
Buffett is always worth watching. He was rejected by Harvard Business School. After graduating to the University of Nebraska he applied to Harvard Business School.
But during a brief interview with a school that would determine his acceptance, the staff said to Buffett forget it, you’re not going to Harvard. When you’re the richest man on the planet, he should write them a letter.
He eats like a six year old child. Coke Cola and ice cream. Buffett claimed he has one quarter Coke Cola so he’s 25% made of Coke Cola if he eats 2,700 calories a day a quarter of that is Coke Cola. He drinks at least five 12 ounce servings every day.
He’s lived in the same house since 1958, originally bought it for $31,000. He’s the world’s richest man for a long period of time. His father-in-law told him that he was gonna fail.
Today, he remains to be one of the richest people in the world.
The daily same activities induced us to believe the future will resembles the past. We know when the sun raises and when it sets. We know when we’ll go to sleep and wake up. The future resembles the past.
Tomorrow, we’ll rise early, get our coffee and get ready to go to work. Then we walk to the car, head to work. End of the day, we walk to our car and head home. Unless our activities are different, the days after will be repetitive. Our future resembles the past.
We are here to contribute, whether it’s a small viable idea or effort to our community and the world. Our future determines what we’ll do today.
What are we contributing today so that our future pans out?
What choices are we making today that will make a difference tomorrow?
What action are we taking today that will move us forward?
What problem are we solving today that will pave us in the right direction?
What are we doing today that will be resourceful tomorrow?
Who are we engaging today that will empower us tomorrow?
Who are we helping today that will help the next generation?
What are we building today for the future?
What do we have to lose today to gain tomorrow?
Easy vs difficult choices. Our first step is will we give up the easy choices for the difficult ones. There are easy reached choices that alter our lifestyle and well-being. Recently I decline some sweet desserts and excessive drinking in place of a healthier me. Like writing, I commit to daily exercise.
It is said, tough choices, easier life. Easy choices, tough life.
The future resembles the past.
What I have been seeking to understand and convey to others is actually the Richard Feynman’s technique known as The Feynman Learning Technique.
It’s an incredible framework for unlocking growth, supercharging your learning and approaching anything new you want to learn. New topics learned then can be written into essays, articles or even blogs.
Feynman technique focuses on four steps.
1. Pick and study a topic
2. Explain it like I’m 5 or to someone unfamiliar with the topic
3. Reflect & Study (Identify any gaps in your understanding)
4. Organize, Convey and Review (review and simplify)
Now, select the topic we’ve always been wishing to learn more, follow the Feynman Technique and put in the work. If we stay consistent, we might come out with tons of topics to share.
Once in a while, we need to remove ourselves from distractions and noises in the world. The more we do it, the more we can focus on ourselves. Many influential leaders practice meditation daily for that purpose and more.
Here are some accidental meditations that we haven’t notice. Now that we know, we can put more in practice.
Listen to classical music while at the wheel.
I’m at the wheel for a good twenty minutes. I get too excited if the upbeat music is on. I might get too creative if podcast is on. Upbeat music gives me more ideas and daydreams. But the mind is not at peace. When the music is tune to classical my mind is at ease. Let it wonders quietly, note by note.
Sit quietly for half an hour.
You can call this the sitting meditation. I sit at a quiet spot for a good half an hour. Need to ensure no one or anything is interrupting. Let my mind wonder. Not gonna move anywhere. Even if the phone notice comes in, leave it be. I’m just gonna sit there.
Take a long walk.
It is said walking is a meditation in itself. It’s an accidental meditation. Monks do it too. Breezy airs and nature will do wonder. That’s when I don’t have to look at my phone. My mind is with nature and the surrounding environment. Put in the walk daily.
Take a good warm shower.
I get complain for using the restroom too long. Yes, that’s right. But i think that’s also the only time where i don’t touch my phone. I’m taking a good warm shower. That’s where my mind is calm and in the presence. Shall I call it a shower meditation?
We rise to the occasion because we care!
We care for the audience who paid to attend. Whether it’s friends or supporters who attended, it’s our professional responsibility to deliver the expected work. It was a chance to create magic for those we seek to serve.
We rise to the occasion because we believe in the vision.
We all visualized exactly what we need to do to ensure it’s magical. We shared our big goals and high aims. Even it sounded ridiculous, we all stood behind the goals and all the obstacles we could potentially faced. We learned to ask. We learned to plan. We learned that it’s all possible.
Our plan was to host a fashionable red carpet Oscar like event for 300 paid audience, with little to no budget and only sponsors and supporters fund. With limited budget and personnels, we formed volunteer groups and created our own contents.
We rise to the occasion because we believe in change
Even in the darkest moments, all could fall apart, but we stayed persistent and committed. We solved issues as they arised. The journey was to create a new expectation and a better norm for ourselves and our audience. We embodied the confident and motivation to ensure our team rise to the occasion. Time sacrificed and creative inputs are meaningful when we delivered our works to the audience.
Those who showed up to do the work daily were inspired. When the aims are high, we become obsessive and relentlessly committed to complete the work. The hobby become our professional commitment.
We rise to the occasion because we care!
We care because it’s about our audience, our community and the change we seek to make.
Beside sitting meditation for half an hour, brain dumps everything on paper has been a therapeutic journey.
There are aspects of our lives we need a diagnostic and treatment on. We need to evaluate our own performances, commitment and dedication to each aspect. It’s a confirmation of our own current state in life. That’s when we recoginize what we lack or have too much of.
We can create a system to integrate values into our lives.
Remember when we workout to achieve the desired body, it’s the same energy. It’s always on our calendar, only to become an integral part of our lives . The energy and time spent solidified into a habit. Now imagine the impactf if the same energy and time are invested into other aspects of our lives.
2. Identify and compare what we lack or have too much of.
We can recognize the things that considered good or bad, advantage or disadvantage and important or not. Too much drinking is bad and a disadvantage of achieving a healthy life.
3. Make a plan. Build a foundation.
Change doesn’t happened over night. And there’s no antidote for shortcut. If we want to escape from the disorder place, we need an escape plan. The first step of a simple plan is the foundation. Writing the plan has helped me clarify my thinking and what I need to work on.
We can create a system to integrate values to our lives. What values are you adding to your life?